Monday, February 23, 2015

What I saw in America

"The reaction of his senses and superficial habits of mind against something new, and to him abnormal, is a perfectly healthy reaction. But the mind which imagines that mere unfamiliarity can possibly prove anything about inferiority is a very inadequate mind"(GK Chesterton).

In this quote, Chesterton explains that it's acceptable to feel apprehensive towards something deem unusual. However, if something appears unusual, and you think you can debate on its lower base,then your mind lacks sufficiency.  In other words, if you don't understand a certain policy and/or the reasons behind that policy, it's totally ok to feel uncertainty and skepticism towards it. Nonetheless, it will be ideal to work your mind in learning as much as possible about that policy before considering to raise a legitimate argument towards it. 

I chose this quote because I can relate to it to some degree on both ends.  In addition, I knew this quote would challenge me to reflect and analyze my mind and how to improve it. Simply put, knowledge is power.  I've been the observer, and I've also been the one to act naive and stubborn towards a debate.  In either case, I truly rather be the observer, but most importantly, I much rather be the observer and the one who works his mind adequately.

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