We Need Term Limits for Judges
“Eighteen years would mean that a justice’s tenure would be
long enough to ensure independence from political patronage. As important, it
would be short enough to ensure that we remain a country of laws and not of
men (Professor Jamal Greene).”
In his quote, Professor of law at Columbia Law School, Jamal Greene suggests that Supreme Court
Judges should receive term limits. He believes that Judges should serve “nonrenewable
18 year terms” instead of serving for many decades. This will make certain that the length of their
terms will not be influenced or decided upon an appointed executive power
(Greene). In addition, it will make
certain that our country continues to be governed by the laws of its own land
and not of men (Greene).
I chose this quote because I agree with Professor Greene’s view
points on setting term limits for Supreme Court Judges. I also agree that they
should be freed from any political restraints that may affect the length of their
terms. A Judge’s term shouldn't be tenured, nor dependent on “political
patronage” (Greene). Each Supreme Court judge should know their exact term length
and respectfully hold their positions until their terms have been completed. Furthermore, they should hold their respectable
positions, without removal, unless there was proof of impeachment on their behalf.